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Ask For Recommendations Endorsements are a great way for people passing by your profile to get a quick idea of what your most common skills happen to be. Along with endorsements, your network partners can offer recommendations in the form of written testimonials. You can even send requests for recommendations directly through the platform. Facebook Esty Marketing Among the best ways to promote your Etsy shops, Facebook sits high on the list, giving numerous options for promoting your shop. When you share an Etsy listing on your Facebook, it provides a direct link to your listing. A favorite of many for promoting on Facebook is to create a business page for your Etsy shop. Get Creative With Your LinkedIn Headline Most people simply put their job title at the top of their profile, but there is no rule that this has to be the case. Instead, use the headline to give life to your role and highlight your positive contributions. Take the best aspect of your position in which you excel and create a headline centered around that instead. How To Start Selling On Fiverr Are you ready to start earning money online as a freelancer? Perhaps you came across Fiverr and want some tips to help you get started? Whatever the case, we have some tips that will help you make money on Fiverr while selling your skills from home. Create Engaging Gig Listings The Fiverr platform allows freelancers to create gigs that clients can review during their search for talent. Always factor your overhead cost into your rates, otherwise you will end up working for free. Go Out of Your Way to be Helpful People don t hire freelancers for their skills; they hire them for their expertise in a particular field or skill set. So if you want to be successful as a freelancer, make sure that your clients can get value from what you do and how much time it takes up on their schedule. However, there are a lot of apps out there that can help. Salesmate CRM is one of the best CRM apps for solopreneurs. It helps you to stay on top of sales, streamline communication with customers, and even organize your pipelines. Basecamp is another app that has been a go-to for solopreneurs since its inception.
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