Guerrilla Marketers

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In order to make the most of your content creation efforts, it is important to diversify your income streams. You should have a main platform, but also use a second or even third platform to reach as many people as possible. This will allow you to get more mileage out of your content while also increasing boosting your income over time. Practice Your Delivery Selling courses online has a lot to do with marketing, but having a polished presentation during your classes will keep students coming back for more. Speaking in person and speaking on camera with no one in the room are drastically different things. It is a good idea to practice your course presentations several times before launching your courses online for others to buy. Be Realistic About Your Skills Determine what skills you need to work on and whether or not you can even provide value to prospective clients. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Determine if you can actually deliver on what you promise. If you are not able to deliver, don't take the job. No one wants to hire someone who won't be able to do their job properly. Why not go with a subscription-based model. There are thousands of success stories of digital entrepreneurs making their fortune with subscription-based services. Turn on your favorite podcast, and you re bound to see promotions for services like Manscape, Keeps, or Hello Fresh. A subscription service is a marketing genius for your online business. They generate their own content, distribute it, and generate some form of income either via ads, sponsorships, or direct subscriber payments. The idea is that anyone can create content to fit a niche, and if there is enough interest, they can earn from their efforts. Who Can Be A Content Creator? Anyone with access to the internet can become a content creator. Tailor Your Skills To Your Market Having a passion is great, but doing something for your own pleasure and doing it for a consumer is vastly different. Make sure that the skills you are offering fit the needs of those you are targeting. Create an aesthetic that fits your personality and your brand so that your followers and consumers can identify you easily. 

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